Friday, March 25, 2011

The United Bank of Alex

In the million things that happen before family vacation, there's always something that gets neglected. As we were zooming along with our home town in the rear view mirror, Rene' looks at me and says, "I forgot the cash." Bummer. Normally that's okay. Any more you don't need it, but because we're highpointing, cash is handy for entrance fees and the like. This morning at 5 AM I'm googling ATM machines in Carlsbad, New Mexico and wondering if I really do remember my pin code, which I haven't used in years. Fallback position: dishwashing. Not me, of course. The kids. I haven't grown to be 50 years old and have teenaged children for nothing. So anyway, as we leave the hotel Rene' and I are discussing our cash-free situation, and 12 year old Alex pipes up, "I have a bunch of cash in my wallet, you guys need anything?" Heh. "Why yes, sweety we do." My daughter is $35 poorer in the beat of a heart, and we're wallet-packed and ready for Guadalupe Mountains National Park and their entrance fee. It's $5 but the leftover cash would have a more significant role at the end of the day...

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