Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mississippi High Point - A View to a Battle

A short time after leaving Florence, Alabama we were in Iuka, Mississippi, headed to Woodall Mountain. This was no beauty. We wandered through a suburban/rural neighborhood briefly before ascending the hill. At the top were several buildings and radio/telecom towers. A couple of hundred feet below us lies the crossroads where Confederates under General Price fought it out with the Union's Rosecrans and his men in 1862. As some cars zoom by, and others stop at the gas station, it is hard to picture 12000 men fighting for their lives and nations and honor, and 3000 of them being killed and wounded. It happened on this very spot almost 150 years ago. Now we watch war on television, and think from time to time about our service members overseas. We hardly remember the last war, much less this brutal struggle that took place generations ago.

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