Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Memphis, Where It Is All About the BBQ

Tired of road food. We need a real restaurant. Rene' Yelps BBQ in Memphis and hits the jackpot (this road trip could be an iphone commercial): The Rendezvous. We start iphone mapping our way there, and the darnedest thing happens. We go around the block and can't find the street. The second time around we notice an alleyway, and down the alley sure enough there is a vertical sign to the Rendezvous. We park and walk down this nasty urban alley, and through the door and down the steps into the cellar. There we are greeted by a magnificently massive black man with a basso profundo voice, who, not sparing the decibels announces they are not open but are serving ribs. Would we like a half rack or full? We sit and soon we are feasting on something new: the Memphis Dry Rub Pork Rib. Our eyes are slitted half closed as we gnaw our way through the meal, producing impressive mounds of bones. We finish and sigh and make feeble efforts to clean faces and hands. How could I possibly stay conscious and drive after such a carnivorous display?

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