Monday, July 7, 2014

The Fantastic Four... erm, Three

With perfectly good intentions, we went to bed last night with the idea of sleeping in, doing some leisurely reading, and getting on the road by ten.  At 6:30 AM we stared at each other and agreed to get rolling.  South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky beckoned.  Google Maps said we could do it in 11 hours. Not including hiking time, eating time, stamp buying time, and the many other times that intrude on a perfect day of automobile transit.11 hours sounded very doable.  Very... doable...

I write this from Gatlinburg, Tennessee in case you're one of those people who read the last page of the book to solve the mystery.  But I'm not saying whodunit or how.  I'm at a nice streamside motel room, digesting pizza and salad, and all is right with the world.

Read on!

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