Monday, July 7, 2014

Sassafras Mountain, South Carolina

Sassafras Mountain is just up from Rocky Bottom, South Carolina.  Yes, Rocky Bottom is indeed a tragic medical condition.  Simply incurable.  That’s why they have the Rocky Bottom Colony there, so that the sufferers can endure to the end apart from the public eye.  Even Siri sounded dubious when she said, “You have arrived in Rocky Bottom.”  The Siri is a real person theory gets some serious confirmation.

We noticed that people actually sit on their porch in these parts.  It’s a thing.  They watch the world go by, I guess.  Woman on the porch in Rocky Bottom, South Carolina, this post is for you.  I am sorry for your condition, really I am. 

The drive from Hiawassee, Georgia to Rocky Bottom was lovely.  There are subtle changes in terrain and foliage and climate.  The forest seems thinner and the air thicker, the mountains gentler.  Up from Walhalla, South Carolina the road was tremendous fun in our little Hyundai, zipping up down and around like the little coup that could. 

The top of the mountain was just a bunch of trees.  We couldn’t see anything.  And it was next to some kind of transmitter.  Unlovely.  Nice overlook at the end of the parking lot, but this was no Brasstown Bald.  Still, a pretty spot on a pretty road that runs between two picture postcard towns, Walhalla, SC and Rosman, NC.  On the list of places I could live if ever Colorado is obliterated by a volcano or asteroid, this area I think could be more than acceptable.  It worked really well for Father Tim.

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