Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kansas: The Mt. Sunflower Massif

The Nebraska highpoint behind us, we wound our way through the back roads of northern Colorado on the way to Kansas, with lunch on our minds. Subway was just the ticket. Then, Brush... Otis... Yuma... Wray... then a hard right turn on lonely highway 385, headed south. We intersected I-70 at Burlington and crossed into Kansas, where we made another hard right at Kanorado. More farm roads and back roads with Turner at the map and me at the wheel. Corn and wheat fields were in abundance as the dusty miles ticked by. Then we came to another pasture and bumped our way to the summit. Yep, another drive through highpoint. Mt. Sunflower is a fun place where the owner has put up a picnic shelter and scrap metal artwork. In addition to the vista, we noticed one charming thing: silence. Sweet, enveloping silence. It was barely windy enough to generate a whisper (probably very rare for the spot). Thunder clouds rolled across the landscape to the south, smudging along toward Oklahoma and Texas, but here it was sunny and warm. We could feel the change in humidity also, coming from our delightfully dry Front Range area to something about a third of the way to not so delightfully dry Houston. We soaked up the moment, and drove back through the pasture. Then turned back to retrieve the GPS, which I had left on the hood and had fallen off. Thankfully I didn't also run over it.

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